by Archie McPhee
So here's the story.
I busted a wicked long day at work yesterday. I was busy as all heck designing York U Handbooks and getting ready for a monday morn client meeting. I forgot my wallet at home. I went to Quick Pita on College thinking I had flow. I ordered a steak and cheese sammy and a lentil soup. It came out to $8.02. All I had on me was a $5 bill. The older Lebanese chap hooked me up realwell with not only the steak, but also the soup for my fin. He helped reinstate in me a tad bit more faith in humanity. I left work and didn't hear a jangle at my hip. I reached down to find there were no keys clipped to my belt loop. I thought I'd lost them during the day. I went back into the agency to see if they were on the floor somewhere. They weren't. I realized I had forgotten them in the house, clipped to the bookshelf when i'd left in the morning. Lara gave me a ride to Bloor & Dufferin. I had to borrow $2.75 from Michele to get the rest of the way home. Seeing as I forgot my wallet, I had to go home and get it before I could pick up my 12 of PBR. I found myself locked out of the house. I had to wait in the bitter cold for Tomas to come and unlock the door. Tomas gave me a ride to the Galleria Mall LCBO. I walked back to my house. I had to rush to get my shit together to go to Christine & Michelle's Chocolate & Bubbly party. There was a chocolate fountain and champaigne. I got right knackered on cheap beers instead. P-Funk and I went to Amato's and snagged a slice. I cracked a Blue Ribbon in the booth and the owner sitting next to me watching the Tennis match didn't seem to give two shits. I woke up this morning with the sun in my eyes and a wicked hangover.
My point?...
I didn't have a minute to myself to update this beast.
Wanna fight about it?
I'm gonna go eat some breakfast now.
Here's a badass wallet.

Put some hip into your hip pocket with a whimsical Bacon Wallet! Great for bringing home the bacon (sorry). Sleek, yet meaty. Each 4-1/4" x 3-3/4" faux leather wallet has plenty of pockets for your cold hard cash and copious cards.
Bacon Wallet
$7.95 ea. @
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