Monday, January 14, 2008


by Juicy Jay's

I'm back! My weekend was cash to say the least. To sum it all up, aside from doing it up more than proper with the fam and friends, I woke up on my brother's couch saturday morning to his girlfriend dangling a strip of freshly fried bacon over my face. Could one ask to wake up to a more beautiful sight (or smell and taste for that matter)? I think not. Anyhow, check these out. I don't smoke too regularly anymore, but if there was anything that might get me back on the funny stuff it'd most definitely be these bad boys.

Add a sweet taste to your smoke with these succulent flavoured smoking papers. The smoke takes on a slight flavour to it, while the paper leaves a sweet taste on your lips. These papers are so potent that they only have to be in the same room for you to know they're there!

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