As the award winning, internationally recognized Canadian singer/songwriter and "Best Selling Female Artist in the World" Celine Dion once said, I surrender.
I'm a pretty busy dude these days and trying to keep up to date with a daily blog is quite the hindrance. Sure I could have stuck it out a little longer, but barely have time for a daily shower, let alone a daily blog.
I'll do my best to update as often as I can and I'll shoot for bi-daily, so keep checking back.
Peace in the bacon grease.
The traditional usage of the term saint refers to a person who is recognized as having attained a certain level of holiness. Based on the circumstances surrounding them, some saints become patrons of people, occupations, places or things. What better a thing to be watched over than the beautiful bestowal that is bacon. With Saint Anthony in your kitchen, you're guaranteed a perfect strip of bacon 60% of the time, every time, and it's never been easier or more affordable to bring the power of a patron saint to your aid.
Invoke the power of Saint Anthony to bless your table with an abundance of perfectly cooked bacon. Each 3 3/4" tall, hard vinyl Saint comes with a 3" wide base and a removable backdrop that includes a Prayer to Assist with the Enjoyment of Quality Bacon.
Saint Anthony, Patron Saint of Bacon $7.50 ea. @
So here's the story. I busted a wicked long day at work yesterday. I was busy as all heck designing York U Handbooks and getting ready for a monday morn client meeting. I forgot my wallet at home. I went to Quick Pita on College thinking I had flow. I ordered a steak and cheese sammy and a lentil soup. It came out to $8.02. All I had on me was a $5 bill. The older Lebanese chap hooked me up realwell with not only the steak, but also the soup for my fin. He helped reinstate in me a tad bit more faith in humanity. I left work and didn't hear a jangle at my hip. I reached down to find there were no keys clipped to my belt loop. I thought I'd lost them during the day. I went back into the agency to see if they were on the floor somewhere. They weren't. I realized I had forgotten them in the house, clipped to the bookshelf when i'd left in the morning. Lara gave me a ride to Bloor & Dufferin. I had to borrow $2.75 from Michele to get the rest of the way home. Seeing as I forgot my wallet, I had to go home and get it before I could pick up my 12 of PBR. I found myself locked out of the house. I had to wait in the bitter cold for Tomas to come and unlock the door. Tomas gave me a ride to the Galleria Mall LCBO. I walked back to my house. I had to rush to get my shit together to go to Christine & Michelle's Chocolate & Bubbly party. There was a chocolate fountain and champaigne. I got right knackered on cheap beers instead. P-Funk and I went to Amato's and snagged a slice. I cracked a Blue Ribbon in the booth and the owner sitting next to me watching the Tennis match didn't seem to give two shits. I woke up this morning with the sun in my eyes and a wicked hangover. My point?... I didn't have a minute to myself to update this beast. Wanna fight about it? I'm gonna go eat some breakfast now. Here's a badass wallet.
Put some hip into your hip pocket with a whimsical Bacon Wallet! Great for bringing home the bacon (sorry). Sleek, yet meaty. Each 4-1/4" x 3-3/4" faux leather wallet has plenty of pockets for your cold hard cash and copious cards.
So I'm surfin' around YouTube on the tv the other day (Yes, on the tv!), and what do I come across but a video entitled Everything should taste like bacon. A statement I couldn't agree with more, I busted it open and was immediately introduced to the wonderful world of Bacon Salt. "Bacon Salt is a zero calorie, zero fat, vegetarian, kosher-certified seasoning salt that makes everything taste like real bacon!" (Or so they say, I've still yet to find any.) But none-the-less, this stuff looks like it could be gold. I'm gonna go look for some now. If anybody knows where I can find this shit without the hassles of ordering it online, hit me up. Peace in the bacon grease. I'm out.
Our mission in life is to make everything taste like real, delicious bacon, without the fat or calories. And now we bring our invention to fellow bacon lovers everywhere. Several months ago, we launched our flagship products, Original, Hickory, and Peppered Bacon Salt. There will be more variations to come, we promise, but we think you'll really love what we've started with on a variety of everyday food items. Whether you're a regular griller or a gourmet chef, are counting calories or are a vegetarian who craves mouth-watering bacon taste without the bacon guilt, this is what you've been waiting for.
Bacon Salt $4.49 ea. @ (or save a whopping .48 cents and buy all three for $12.99!
And while we're at it, here's a little Jim Gaffigan to put a bacony-good grin on your face...enjoy.
So I'm reverse telecommuting, OCT, ya know, and I recieve a text on the ol' mobile directing me to a facebook message (fuck I love technology...and faddish slang), and what do you know...
MAKE IT BACON recieved it's first official submission!
Thanks go out to Jackie for tipping me off on these keen luggage tags. Don't leave town without them...fuck, don't go to the mailbox without them. According to the cheekie backtalker herself you can pick 'em up over at Red Pegasus(628 College St.). Red Pegasus has a whack of other cool shit too, from stuffed Che Guevaras to custom-made jewelery, so check it out.
Identifies your bag in a snap! No animal by-products. Perfect for carnivores and vegans alike. Have fun with bacon!
Need I say a word? Ps- I'm pretty sure I've seen these in town at Urban Outfitters(235 Yonge St.) and Lavish & Squalor (253 Queen St. W.), but don't take my word for it.
Ouch! That smarts!Treat your minor cuts, scrapes and scratches with the incredible healing power of a designer bandage from Accoutrements. And if a fancy bandage isn't enough to dry up your tears, how about a FREE TOY! Each comes in a 3-3/4" tall metal pocket tin and contains a small plastic trinket to help make even the ouchiest owies feel all better in no time. The 3" x 1" Bacon Strips are cut to look like small slabs of bacon. Fifteen per tin.
I'm back! My weekend was cash to say the least. To sum it all up, aside from doing it up more than proper with the fam and friends, I woke up on my brother's couch saturday morning to his girlfriend dangling a strip of freshly fried bacon over my face. Could one ask to wake up to a more beautiful sight (or smell and taste for that matter)? I think not. Anyhow, check these out. I don't smoke too regularly anymore, but if there was anything that might get me back on the funny stuff it'd most definitely be these bad boys.
Add a sweet taste to your smoke with these succulent flavoured smoking papers. The smoke takes on a slight flavour to it, while the paper leaves a sweet taste on your lips. These papers are so potent that they only have to be in the same room for you to know they're there!